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Independent Contractors (IC) and Payrolling

The world of work is changing faster than ever before. Organizations must be creative and agile, seeking the most cost-effective ways to hire and utilize staff. This new way of workforce management involves an increase in the use of Independent Contractors (IC).  Independent contractor compliance can be complex, as can accurate payroll. Let InGenesis ease the process with a third-party payrolling strategy and IC management.

InGenesis Offers:

  • Workforce planning and forecasting
  • IC compliance indemnification, compliance evaluations, monitoring and management
  • Payrolling solutions for existing and known clinical professionals and other healthcare resources

InGenesis Key Benefits:

  • Risk avoidance & mitigation
  • Ease of administration – single point of contact for all workers
  • Reduced or eliminated paycheck & AP processing
  • Enterprise-wide visibility & reporting
  • Flexible, scalable partner
  • Speed-to-productivity improvements
  • National and global reach
  • Workforce forecasting and innovative strategies

Do you already know who you want working for you, but do not think you can put them on your payroll? Our payrolling services allow you to engage your preferred W-2 contingent talent with ease. Payrolling services are a flexible talent strategy that allows you to access pre-identified part-time, full-time, and non-traditional talent.

When InGenesis administers payrolling services, we become the official employer of record. We handle all insurance and onboarding requirements, including background checks, drug screenings, skills assessments, benefits administration, and HR support. This allows you to access the talent you want at a reduced cost and reduced risk. Let InGenesis lighten the load, so that you can focus on your core business goals.

Please contact us or call us directly at 1-866-448-0033 and we will be pleased to walk you through your options to find the best solution.